Prosthetic leg.Lost two sons in the army.Lost wife in a car accident.Bungalow reduced to an apartment.Porter's grandfather had seen misery and met misfortunes more than the grey hair on his head.His life was full of traumas , suffering and hardship , but not sufficient enough to eliminate the smile on his face.Porter's grandfather encountered so many predicaments but not once did he stop being cheerful and happy!

"What was the secret behind this peculiar happiness?", thought Porter , who was being served dinner by his grandpa.Porter thought now was the right time to satisfy his curiosity which he longed for."Grandpa , you have suffered so much in your life  but still you always keep smiling?How do you do it?I curious to know about it.This all is turning me inquisitive.",said Porter.His grandpa giggled."It's all about tricking your mind because it's ALL IN THE MIND.",he said as it was very obvious.Porter was left perplexed. 

"Son, if you paint a glass jar with a colour from outside , it automatically gets painted from inside with the same colour , isn't it?",asked grandpa.Porter nodded."If you surround a bottle of juice with ice from outside , in case of an ice box ,it instantly gets cold from inside.If you dip a sponge in water surronding it , it automatically aborbs it and gets wet from inside too.If you open a cupboard from outside , it inevitably gets unlocked or opened from inside. So , if you keep yourself joyful and content from outside , your mind automatically feels happy from inside.You smile and so does your mind.You weep and so does your mind.You stay delighted and so does your mind.You stay sad and so does your mind.SPREAD HAPPINESS,IT'S FREE!", justified grandpa.Porter was busy staring his reflection on the polished dinning table.His words lost in his thoughts.

Porter's garndpa was about to leave the room when he suddenly stopped."On a scientific note,s
ome claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile , so smile often.Try it yourself."

Well,I just caught you smiling!☺️

~Bhagyashri S.


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