Undreamt facts of illuminating souls!

You can draw inspiration from so many people!
I bet,you might have surely heard of these famous personalities but not these unconvincing and overwhelming facts about them.
Read till the end for wonders will never cease!

1) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam-The pride of our nation

  1. At the age of five,he sold newspapers after school to help his father support his family and add  some income.
  2. His dream was to become an IAS fighter pilot which he missed only by one spot!He was on the ninth spot and there were unfortunately only eight openings.
  3. 'I am Kalam' is a Bollywood movie that drew inspiration from A. P.J. Kalam's life.
  4. During his term as the 11th Presisdent of India,he was called the 'People's President' as he was dedicated and earthy.
  5. Kalam's visit to Switzerland is celebrated as Science Day in our country!
  6. He is the first unmarried president and scientist of India.

2)Thomas Edison-Inventor of a practical light bulb and phonograph

  1. His passion and eagerness led him to his parent's basement where he had set up his first lab at the age of 10!
  2. He was known to have been partially deaf.
  3. "Marry had a little lamb" was the first recording on the phonograph.
  4. He was exempted from his school and tutored at home in 1954 till he became 11 years old.Inshort, he received very little formal education.
  5. On a humourus note,Edison made a device to kill cockroaches with the help of electricity!
  6. He was also the first person in the world to project a motion picture.
  7. His first two chidren are nick-named as 'Dot' and 'Dash'.

3)Albert Einstein-Father of Theory of Relativity

  1. Einstein had a terribly poor memory.He was unable to remember dates and worse, he didn't know his own phone number!
  2. His brain was kept aside by Thomas Harvey after his body was cremated.Harvey sent pieces of his brain to various specialists and in one test it was found that the tissues of his brain were denser than the normal brains.Moreover,his inferior parietal lobe was larger. 
  3. A controversial term called 'Einstein Syndrome' was coined by Thomas Sowell which is used to describe an exceptionally brilliant person whose speech is delayed,only because Einstein was slow to talk.
  4. He never wore socks because they were painful as his socks had holes!
  5. He declined the offer of becoming the second President of Israel.
  6. His first daugher and her disappearence still remains a mystery.
  7. On his 72nd birthday on  March 14 ,1951,Arthur Sasse(a photographer) was trying to convince him to smile.Having smiled numerous times a day,he stuck out his tongue intead and that pictures one of his most famous photographs!



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