I came across this lovely and exhilarating story while reading a book called-THE ART OF BEING A BRILLIANT TEENAGER though this article works for every ages!

Would love to share because not all might be having this great book which is more like a thought-provoking guide to being yourself!

It's motivating, enthralling and humorous too.
So this is how it starts...

A young couple moved into a swanky apartment in a new neighbourhood.They sat in their kitchen having breakfast , watching the world go by.The woman saw her neighbour pegging out the washing."That laundry's not very clean", she tutted."She either needs a new washing machine or better washing powder."

Other than the crunching on his toast, her husband remained silent.

His wife's comment was exactly the same the next day.And the next."Why  on earth is that woman hanging out dirty washing?", she sighed in disgust."She needs lessons in basic hygiene!"

And her husband crunched , knowingly.

On the fourth day his wife plonked herself at the breakfast table with a gleeful smile."At last", she said , pointing at their neighbour's washing line.Her husband followed her gaze to the neatly arranged clothes line where the whites sparkled and the colours shone."All of a sudden she seems to have learned to clean properly."

And her husband broke his silence."I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."

If you realised it was actually about you and the way you view the world , congratulations , you are good to go!

We all look at life through a lens and are also quick to judge people , isn't it!?

Wake up.Clean your lens now.Viewing the world more optimistically and positively will always get you a better result. 
We don't see things as they are , we see them as we are
 -Anais Nin
 ~Bhagyashri Sisodia 

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