Image courtesy:The Confidence Code For Girls

Perfect.Perfection.Perfectionism.Perfectionist. Many We all dream about it.None achieve it.
Perfection is an UNATTAINABLE goal ! It's like a moving target , a cat chasing a shadow , a dog catching it's tail and a never ending finish line.As it is rightly said by Joseph Eastwood -

"Perfect is a dream that you wake up from and spend forever trying to remember"

Katty Kay and Claire Shipman in their book 'The Confidence Code For Girls' (the book which inspired me to write this post) defined perfectionism as follows -


 A really dangerous disease.An invasive, strangling vine that creeps into your life and chokes  everything in its path.It stresses you out and keeps you from taking risks.And most importantly, it keeps you from being you.

If perfection is your goal , you will NEVER REACH IT ! That's the bitter truth.
Life is not full of big blue skies , brightly coloured rainbows , fanciable unicorns , big TV screens , stunning trophies , mouth-watering pizzas and beguiling beaches!

If one of these things or things like these were in your list and till date you were believing that after you conquer them everything would be perfect , I am sorry , you are wrong!

You might be thinking that perfectionism motivates you to work hard , be ambitious , push yourself and make people happy.Isn't it ? It's not so.

When you aim to do things perfectly you REALLY don't want to fail.If you don't fail, you will never learn new things, you will never learn how to handle/overcome failure , you will never build confidence and take risks and actions.The day you fail , you will feel devastated, ruined and destroyed.Why so ? Because when you want everything perfect... the idea of failure scares the wit out of you.

The thought of being perfect is a totally imperfect idea! But , being imperfectly perfect is perfect!

Why achieve a goal which itself is unachievable ? Why make something possible which itself is impossible ? Why waste our time in attaining something which itself is unattainable ?

Time is precious.Think realistic.

Whatever you do , DO IT FOR A PURPOSE AND NOT PERFECTION/APPROVAL.Don't let perfectionism handcuff your idea.Ask yourself WHY are you doing this? Let the answer come from inside , NOT outside.After all , we are not here to please people! BE YOU.BE REAL.NOT PERFECT.

Perfectionism traps you between the past and the future.You might have lost a lot of time in over analyzing and overthinking about something that went wrong or you might have goofed up OR something what you should do or get done.Credits to perfectionism.

Moreover , perfection often steals the joy and happiness to reach where you want to.We get so busy in becoming perfect that we forget to enjoy the ride and lose half the fun of reaching there.Focus on NOW and live in the moment.Present is a present...I mean it's a gift! :) No one wants to lose it.

Now that you know that your dream of becoming  a would-be perfectionist will only remain a dream , the next question that comes up is what should you do?

Strive for PROGRESS , not perfection.Simply accept the reality that NOTHING IS PERFECT and choose GOOD ENOUGH!

Good enough? What's that? 
It's about accepting what you have and  what you are the way it is.It's about finding happiness in small things you have , appreciate it and remain thankful for it , which will surely make a BIG DIFFERENCE!
It's about giving your best and enjoying the process of doing so.It's about being your amazingly imperfect self!
It's about celebrating all things even if you have failed in some.It's about shutting all doors that lead you to perfectionism and open all the floodgates to opportunities, risk, action , happiness and success! 

So, the next time a perfectionist thought pops up in you head , replace it this way 👇

Image courtesy:The Confidence Code For Girls

"It is alright to make mistakes;nothing is perfect because with perfection,we would not exist"
-Stephen Hawking

~Bhagyashri S.


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