Messengers from heaven

What is that one thing which connects the heaven to the earth? Air? No. Sky? No. Sunshine? Try again. Atmosphere? Not exactly.

RAIN. Yes, it's rain.Some despise it while some love it. Some feel it while others just get wet.It falls straight from the above. It is the best blessing in disguise! Just like confetti falling from the sky in the form drops.
It's as if your ancestors or loved ones are literally 'showering' blessings and good wishes on you and 'pouring' their heart out. It feels so good to have such a beautiful and warm connection between the one below and the one above. Isn't it?

Rain is like a medium that connects the two realms of earth-lithosphere and atmosphere.
Rain drops constantly  travel between the earth and the sky when the water cycle is set in motion. Just imagine these rain drops are  brimmed with such homely and earthy essence to the core!

Did you know that late actor Irrfan Khan had a strange understanding of rain? Yes, his son Babil once mentioned it after his demise. 

Needless to say, in all walks of life we are told that the loved ones away from us physically are actually guiding us, helping us, watching us and directing us from heaven. What if rain was an annual excuse to  touch you and cherish you physically? What if it is actually a medium to communicate with you ? Not by speaking but by feeling you? What if the raindrops hold  the essence of the affection and warmth of the ones who are no longer with you? 
What about thundering? Just count it as another excuse to show their excitement and thrill :) 

I know, some don't like the dirty water puddles, drenched clothes, wet roads and tires and the constant dripping noise. But the next time you are busy skipping the deep puddles and getting somewhere, just spare a few seconds to put down the umbrella /stick a hand out the umbrella /remove the hoodie of your raincoat to FEEL THE RAIN, to feel the trickling drops of water affectionately filled with love, tenderness and care tapping on your skin. Trust me, when you actually realize the reason behind its falling, you will find how positive and good vibes rush inside you when the rain drops are engaged in lovingly patting your skin. It's as if the drops act as a silent assurance that your ancestors still have your back! When we appreciate every element of nature in its truest sense, we inevitably remain thankful for our life in its truest sense. 

Recently I read a quote which truly left me bewildered , at first. It said, 

"There is a genuine reason behind the falling of rain drops from the sky. After all, who falls down after reaching so high." 

~Bhagyashri S.


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