Which is the richest place on the Earth?

Venkatesh Yadav in his book 'College to Startup' told his readers that ideas are useless.Then he asked his readers to guess which is the richest place on the earth.The USA? UAE ? Kuwait ? India? No.

According to him , the richest place on the earth is a graveyard. WHAT? HOW? WHY?
To find out keep reading.

Just wonder , there are so many fabulous and mind-blowing ideas and fascinating dreams in the minds of people who are now dead! Unfortunately, their ideas and dreams are dead because they never executed them when they were alive.

People are remarkable at coming up with astonishingly grand and overwhelming ideas.People with awesome ideas are the same as  ordinary people unless they EXECUTE IT.Ideas are easy , execution is what counts.


When you mix action with your idea , that is when your idea comes into existence.Now you get it why Venkatesh Yadav said ideas are useless unless we execute them ? 

Ideas are like water (I know  because they flow in our minds) as they need to attain the shape of different containers.Here containers are nothing but different parameters, situations , circumstances and conditions under which we need to modify and improve our ideas accordingly.

For example , you thought of starting a food delivering company.Due to the advent of technology and digital platforms , you will have to create an online website/ app for online delivery too.You see , the main idea(base) is same , it's just that you have improvised it according to people's need.

It is only when we execute our idea , we come to know the loopholes in it and the necessary changes to be made  to turn it into reality.This is one of the best perks of executing an idea!

In this competitive world where everyone wants to accomplish and achieve new heights , people often tend to copy and replicate ideas belonging to someone else.That's painful and it hurts.

But , your execution and passion towards your work is what makes your idea unique , special and makes a DIFFERENCE!
After all, an idea without execution is just a wish.

Just like macaroni and cheese, cereals and milk, soap and water, Tom and Jerry, family and friends, rock and roll, Netflix and chill, moonwalk and Micheal Jackson, day and night, ideas are incomplete without execution!

Remember, ideas are players , execution is the game-changer.

~Bhagayshri S.

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