Rohan , a twelve year old animal lover , lived with his grandmother having lost both his loving parents in an unfortunate car accident when he was around five years old.He was dearly brought up with love and warmth coupled with good manners and etiquettes.He always longed for a pet!

Everyday he preserved some portion of his lunch for Tommy , a playful kitten with beige hue and random white patches.No wonder it was the society kitten often loathed by the seniors of the colony for its aimless wandering and roaming.On his way back home he would always offer his intentionally leftover food to the kitten and also pour some water in a plastic cup labelled 'Tommy' which he had brought from his residence last summer.It had been a long time since he was carrying out this secret business and working as an everyday undercover generous supplier of food and water! Sometimes in summers Tommy  often got some milk like a special bonus or so to get some respite from the everyday meal.Everytime when he asked for a pet he was either blankly denied or her grandma left the room unspoken.

One Satrurday morning Rohan's grandma was out to buy some fruits and vegetables.She was busy bargaining and negotiating for the price of a watermelon when a rude and stealthy man with a rugged presence constantly started sneezing and coughing behind her.It attracted grandma's attention and when she turned back to look she saw that the man was pointing down  to her shopping bag kept on the floor.Her next gaze went straight to the purse that belonged to her in his hand.

Grandma suddenly opened the door as she entered the house.She was holding the shopping  bag in one hand and a kitten in the other.Before Rohan could ask anything grandma started talking.
"I know you might be  wondering why on earth did I bring this kitten home?So I was busy bargaining for some watermelon when a weird man started to cough and sneeze so loudly in my ears!I turned back to see that  he had red itchy eyes and was pointing to this shopping bag.This kitten you see....I don't know from where did it was standing right next to my bag.I saw he was holding my purse in his other hand and was about to steal all my money when I immediately picked up my shopping bag and gave one knock on his face. This little  kitten actually saved my money and life too.I wonder what would he do to me after stealing the money.I think the man was allergic to cats and kittens ,  that's why all the sneezing and coughing!What a coincidence.Didn't expect it though.Anyway , here you go , take this kitten.You always wanted one didn't you?", she asked and went to the kitchen with that heavy and bulky bag.

Rohan was on cloud nine when Tommy just winked back at him.

~Bhagyashri S.

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