EGGUCATION:The egg theory!

I am sure most of you all might be knowing how to distinguish between an old egg and a new or fresh egg.It's simple , just dip some of them in a bowl of water and observe what happens.

Try it.It's a fun activity!

Well , have you ever wondered this activity can give us a life lesson? Interesting right!? Keep reading.

Just imagine the old eggs are  people who are experienced , professional and experts in their field of work or activity and the new eggs are that class of people who are of course inexperienced , untrained  or simply beginners!

Notice that it is over a period of time that you enhance, strengthen , refine and improve in life regardess of what field you are in.The old eggs that are floating above obviously didn't get there in a blink of a second.Experts , in any field , practised day and night and it is only because of the hardwork and dedication they put in , they rise up and earn that position through true merit which they deserve!

The new eggs i .e the beginners still have many obstacles to tackle , still have a lot to improve and still have to put in a lot of efforts.
They are yet to STRIVE , STRUGGLE , COMMIT , TOIL , SWEAT before they meet the experienced crowd.Everyting needs its amount of time.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
Rise up and become the person you were meant to be!
Respect your progress and trust the timing of your life.Everything else will get along.

Mangoes take time to ripe.The mango tree takes time to grow.Getting your dream job takes time.Setting up your dream home takes time.
 We all ourselves took time to cry for the first time in our life , isn't it?
Even SUCCESS takes time.
It takes time to succeed because success is merely the natural reward for taking time to do anything well.
-Joseph Ross

~Bhagyashri S.


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