Have you ever wondered why do we all have the habit of constantly judging others?(unless your are a judge of a court :)) I just gave a second thought and this is what I think about judging others......

"That dress is to short" , "This dish is very salty" , "You don't look good in these clothes" , "You are not good at this"... are like some staple words on our lips.

The hard truth is that we judge others to make ourselves look more superior and dominant.Well , this all happens in our minds unknowingly.

We pretend and make ourselves believe that we are better , stronger , greater!We put up a fake show and inevitably solace ourselves by lying.The fact is that we stand up by putting other down!

Whom to blame? Gossip queens!? Society!?  NO.
Blame your human nature which compels us to think in that manner which we unfortunately can't  stop.This seed is sown in the hearts of every person on the Earth.It's up to you whether you NOURISH it or PERISH it.

I feel keeping our own opinions about others is way better than judging them , isn't it?
Note that giving suggestions and advices is altogether different!

Sometimes judging others and letting them down can hit you back.Just take an example of a spring.The more you compress and squeeze it , it takes its shape and comes back with the same force and intensity you applied!Or maybe if you think of a plastic ball and try to sink it in a water bucket , it bounces back , splashing water on you!

Be like that spring/ball.BOUNCE BACK.STAND OUT.
It doesn't matter how deep you fall , what matters is how high you bounce back.This is because everyone in the world faces adversity.You are no exception.

People judge because they feel that they themselevs  are unworthy and undeserving.
I bet , the day you start accepting yourself , you will definitely stop judging others.
LOVE yourself.EMBRACE yourself.ADMIRE yourself.RESPECT yourself.APPRECIATE yourself.

Speaking of appreciating , the day you start appreciating yourself , you find reasons to appreciate others too!

They say , get so busy and engrossed in improving yourself that you don't have time to judge others and that you have not time to criticize others!

To judge other is humans.To keep opinion about others to yourself is having class. 

~Bhagyashri S.


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